Tag Archives: media release

Another successful REAL PR Boot Camp

Workshop participants "at work"!

Workshop participants “at work”!

On Wednesday 23 July fifteen people attended an intensive morning PR workshop. From a range of businesses from attorneys, media, newspaper,and nature reserve staff, organisational risk managers, a printer, an health therapist, a refrigeration and air conditioning specialist, and a wealth navigator, participants were given an overview of the role of PR in an organisation. Topics covered included developing a corporate identity, planning a PR programme and writing media releases for publicity.

The evaluation indicated that time was too short to cover all these in enough depth, so – guess what? – plans are afoot to run a series of workshops specifically for activities like writing for the media, corporate social responsibility, and planning a PR programme.

If anyone is interested in any workshop relating to corporate communication, contact me and I will add you to my database/mailing list. There are so many exciting workshops in the pipeline. We also offer CUSTOM-made formats for presenting information and skills development to suit specific companies’ needs.

Participants enjoying the workshop

Participants enjoying the workshop