PR “Boot Camp” Workshops

Getting ahead in Public Relations – A Series of 4 Workshops

The venue is The Barn at Kwanyoni in Hilton [District Road 534, off Hilton College Road]
Each Tuesday morning 8.30 – 12.30, from May 21 to June 11

Who should attend?
Managers, supervisors, NGO staff, public service personnel and individuals who need to communicate more effectively with key stakeholders with a view to building relationships and enhancing reputation.

To develop an understanding of why and how stakeholder relations can build a company’s brand and reputation through a strategy of targeted messages and actions.
This series of workshops teaches participants the basics of:
• The role of PR in building stakeholder relationships
• Developing a mission statement and corporate identity
• Constructing messages, selecting media and activities
• Specialised PR techniques.
The purpose is to enable participants to engage interactively with the information or theory by applying it to their own organisation. Facilitator, Desiray Viney, guides participants through the process of analysing their work situations; planning and strategizing; using techniques relevant to their own scenarios. Based on the experiential learning concept, using and sharing information facilitates understanding and retention. Hence, participants can return to the workplace able to contribute to the organisation’s PR plans and actions.
Each workshop costs R500 per participant. This includes the workbook and refreshments.
The cost of attending all four workshops is R 1,800-00 per participant – a saving of R200 – if paid in full in advance.
Ideally, participants should attend all four workshops to obtain a certificate of completion, however, each workshop is also offered as a stand-alone.
PR Workshops’ Schedule
Date Workshop Title Topics covered
Tues, 21/5
8.30 – 12.30 What’s up? Development, Role & function of PR
Who cares? Setting goals and Identifying Publics
Tues, 28/5
8.30 – 12.30 Who are you?
Do you care? Corporate culture, identity, image and reputation
Tues, 4/6
8.30 – 12.30 Say and do what? How do you communicate and behave with publics?
How? Why? Developing messages for publics to improve relations
Tues, 11/6
8.30 – 12.30 So what? Corporate citizenship – being part of a greater system.
What else? Explore PR techniques to build reputation & fulfil goals.

For information and bookings contact Desiray Viney at REAL Communication Consulting:
Cel: 082 875 7194 Email:

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